David's Articles

David has been writing and blogging for over 10 years


Most Recent Articles:

If you aren’t world class at 1 thing

Excellence can be built through synthesis, not just specialization Maybe Napoleon was right… Last week, I introduced a new series looking at topic of work.  As I mentioned, we are going to explore this topic from a number of different dimensions over...

The Work We Do: Reflections on Work and Purpose

Sigmund Freud got at least one thing right - love and work are massively important. Photo by Karan Bhatia on Unsplash If you work from age 22 to 65, on nearly 11,000 days, you will be going to your job - nearly a third of your life. With such enormity,...

Book recommendations from the first half of 2024

Photo by Ray Hennessy on Unsplash Happy 4th of July week For years, I have shared periodically what I've been reading.  Increasingly, I have found my goal to be to start more books but finish less. Hopefully this is not a sign of a lack of commitment, instead, far too...

Leading Through Instability: Organizations at the End of Linearity

Photo by Loic Leray on Unsplash What if the next 20 years look at lot more like the last 2 than the prior 20?  How should you lead and build organizations in a world categorized by change, uncertainty, and shortage?  And more over, how would you generate financial...

What Will You Do With Your 30,000 Days? – Part 3

This has been the hardest of the three parts of this series to write, and has occupied most of the several months long period of time I’ve been working on / off on this series. Before beginning this section, I want to acknowledge the danger of commenting on a life...


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Nashville, TN

