This week’s highlights: A Serial-Killer Algorithm, the Yale Endowment, and the Transformation of Healthcare.
Fifteen on Friday – 12/01/17 – Issue 263
And We’re Back…
I took an off week last week with the Thanksgiving holiday – but with 2 weeks of reading compiled into 1 email this week, there is a lot of good stuff to share. I know many of you are loyal Pocket users – but if not, I’d encourage you to check it out. Pocket is a free app you install – on your computer and phone that allows you to save articles to read later. It is a major time saver – and allows you to keep a list of interesting things available to read, instead of endlessly scrolling Instagram when you have a free minute.
Have a great weekend,
Food for Thought:
- TheAtlantic – No Family Is Safe From This Epidemic As an admiral I helped run the most powerful military on Earth, but I couldn’t save my son from the scourge of opioid addiction.
- Vox – Historically, men translated the Odyssey. Here’s what happened when a woman took the job. “Tell me about a complicated man.” So begins Emily Wilson’s new translation, which reveals how the ancient story is relevant today.
- NewYorker – The Serial-Killer Detector. How an algorithm is discovering new links between unsolved murders.
- Tennessean – Searching for Nashville real estate: Where are Nashville home shoppers from?
- TV – Hillary Clinton’s Letter to Her Teenage Self Clinton reflects back on what she would have told her 19-year old self at the end of her first semester at college.
- CFG – A Conversation with David Swensen. Bob Rubin (Former Treasury Secretary) interviews the head of Yale’s endowment, the legendary David Swensen. Read this once and then read it again. Arguably two of the sharpest financial minds of all time.
- TMT – The Source of the Next Crisis – Credit JC – A look at the evolution of volatility, the VXX and the potential systemic impacts.
- TRB – It just got real. According to one source, there are now more open accounts on the Coinbase platform than there are brokerage accounts at Charles Schwab (although the Schwab accounts are undoubtedly bigger, for now). Pair with – Why and how the Cryptobubble will burst
- NC – New Paper Debunks Desperate Rationalization for Private Equity: Lower Volatility Based on Bogus Valuations. A new study by academics at John Hopkins confirms one of our long-standing criticisms of private equity: that the general partners misrepresent fund values in ways that make them look more flattering to investor.
- AP – Tech’s Dirty Little Secret: It’s a Cyclical Sector
- ATC – VC Bill Gurley on Transforming Health Care. This is long, but well worth the effort. Gurley, of Benchmark Ventures, is newer to the healthcare space and reflects thoughtfully about the contradictions and challenges that exist in the patchwork system we call US healthcare.
- WashPo – What Tech World Did You Grow Up In?
- GQ – How Die Another Day Almost Blew Up the James Bond Franchise
- WashPo – Meet the woman who’s spent 60 years making the skies a little friendlier. May we all aspire for careers of such longevity and enjoyment.
- NYT – Six Years After Fukushima, Robots Finally Find Reactors’ Melted Uranium Fuel. The Japanese government and companies used radiation-hardened machines to search for the fuel that escaped the plant’s ruined reactors.