This week’s highlights: A Nation of Hoarders, TripAdvisor, and Baseball’s Woes
Fifteen on Friday – 08/24/18 – Issue 298
Food for Thought:
- TheAtlantic – ‘We Are All Accumulating Mountains of Things’ How online shopping and cheap prices are turning Americans into hoarders.
- JC – What Every Successful Person Knows, But Never Says
- Inc – A Study of 600,000 People Shows the Secret to Managing Millennials Is to Quit Thinking of Them as Millennials. Because 98 percent of how we think, feel, and act has nothing to do with our age group.
- NR – The Vanishing Idealism of Burning Man Artists head to the desert to build a utopia. But does their work hold up in the real world?
- Vox – If you’re wondering why you’ve lost friends in adulthood, this is probably why We all do it, and it’s probably doing damage to our friendships.
- Guardian – How TripAdvisor changed travel The world’s biggest travel site has turned the industry upside down – but now it is struggling to deal with the same kinds of problems that are vexing other tech giants like Facebook, Google and Twitter.
- II – The 41% Man
- Economist – The contrarian case for emerging markets It is not that emerging markets are cheap, but they are not dear
- Bloomberg – In This Never-Ending Lehman Short, $170,000 Is Still on the Table Whitney Tilson made millions when Lehman went bust a decade ago, but he didn’t quite close the deal
- AWCS – Expected Returns & The 7 Year Itch
- Bleacher – ‘I Find It Very Difficult’ to Watch: Why MLB Greats Think Baseball’s in Trouble
- TheAtlantic – Low Pay Has Teachers Flocking to the Sharing Economy. One in 10 Airbnb hosts in the U.S. is a teacher, a new report shows.
- Guardian – The great African regreening: millions of ‘magical’ new trees bring renewal Farmers in Niger are nurturing gao trees to drive Africa’s biggest environmental change
- Deadspin – Sex, Steroids, And Arnold: The Story Of The Gym That Shaped America
- TheAtlantic – What a Grieving Orca Tells Us People know a famous community of killer whales as individuals, with their own names, families, and personalities—which has made their woes even harder to take.