May 7, 2021 | Family Wealth
Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash It has been a few weeks since I have posted due to the first work travel in over a year – finally! I have been doing a lot of reading and thinking, and while I do not have time this week to develop a comprehensive thought...
Nov 11, 2020 | Family Wealth
Photo by Sean Stratton on Unsplash We have considered in previous posts the pace at which a family must see their assets grow over time to keep pace with the growth of the family. In our first post on the subject, How Fast Must a Family’s Asset Grow?, we...
Oct 28, 2020 | Family Wealth
Photo by Robert Bye on Unsplash I came to working with family offices through the investment side of the world. Beginning in the fall of 2004 when I was first introduced to the writings of Warren Buffett through the end of 2015, I had a single-minded focus to...
Apr 30, 2020 | Family Wealth
Growing the family’s wealth in-line with the growth of the family is no easy feat. Over several pieces we have taken a deep dive on the challenges family’s face in growing their wealth over time. We looked at target rates of return, and concluded...
Apr 14, 2020 | Family Wealth
Today, we want to continue our series looking at the challenges of a family compounding its wealth over time. In our first piece, “How Fast Must a Family’s Assets Grow?” we looked at the significant headwinds facing families – from...