David’s Articles

David has been writing and publishing since 2006.  

Start Building Your New Normal Today – Webinar Recap

Dec 21, 2020 | Reflections

With the approval of 2 vaccines and “shots in the arm” now occurring, there is a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel of COVID-19. Already much ink has been spilled in contemplating what the ‘new normal’ will look like as we get closer and closer to her immunity. While predicting the course of culture and society makes for interesting conversation, the number of variables at play makes accuracy in those predictions impossible.

What is more predictable instead is what does the ‘new normal’ of an individual life look like. 2020, quarantine, and social distancing has prompted an intense period of reflection and soul-searching for many. As we come into 2021 and look to the future, the question remains of how do we build / re-build lives that realize the dreams and potential this time of clarity has revealed?

In our webinar last week, we approached answering such a question by first considering 2 core problems with how we as individuals process change. Only by understanding those problems and how to answer, can you hope to find success in your new normal.

If you are interested in viewing the replay and accessing the slides, please enter your email below.

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