David’s Articles

David has been writing and publishing since 2006.  

9/02/2022 – Issue 482

Sep 2, 2022 | Fifteen on Friday

This week’s highlights:  Physical Identity, Rethinking Starbucks, and Steve Martin

Happy Friday everyone – hope you have had a nice week.


Food for Thought

  • ArtofManliness – The Importance of Having a Physical IdentityWhy are so many adults physically inactive?  It likely goes back to their childhood, and the fact that they never developed a physical identity.
  • NYT – The Sixth Love Language Does Not ExistThe author of the seminal book on love languages is surprised that the concept has become a cultural phenomenon. But he still wants couples to heed his advice.
  • Freakonomics – Roland Fryer Refuses to Lie to Black America – This was thought provoking – The controversial Harvard economist, recently back from a suspension, “broke a lot of glass early in my career,” he says. His research on school incentives and police brutality won him acclaim — but also enemies. Now he’s taking a hard look at corporate diversity programs. The common thread in his work? “I refuse to not tell the truth.”
  • NYP – Why UK tea drinkers might be healthier than us: US cancer docs

Business and Markets

Science, Technology, and Culture

My Book:

When Anything is Possible – Wealth and the Art of Strategic Living

  • Does how you handle your wealth actually align with what you care most about in the world?
  • Do you feel like you are pro-active and intentional with your financial affairs or entirely reactive to a busy world?

Growing financial wealth is a natural occurrence on the path to success. While this should make life easier, that is not always the case. With greater wealth, comes great opportunity and an overwhelming number of choices to make.

When Anything is Possible is the guidebook about how to engage strategically with wealth. It will help you change your wealth from something overwhelming and all-consuming towards a resource to be deployed to help you positively impact the things that you value most.

If you are interested in learning more, visit here and download a free chapter.


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Nashville, TN

