Flatten the Curve!

Issue 368
by David Wells – Nashville TN
Flatten the Curve!
The last 36 hours have been one for the memory books! The combined effect of President Trump’s Wednesday evening address, the suspension of NBA games, and the diagnosis of Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson seemed enough to finally awaken people to the seriousness of COVID-19.
The great conundrum of this virus is that while the impact to the individual is likely low in-aggregate, for those at greatest risk, whether due to age or pre-existing conditions, the impact to those individuals and as a result the healthcare system overall is meaningful. When the system gets behind, the impacts are far reaching to those needing medical care that have nothing to do with COVID-19.
While I am obviously not a physician, this is an issue I have been studying extensively since mid-January. It is clear that right now, the best course of action is immediately beginning to practice ‘social distancing.’ With the cancellation of almost all major gatherings, your hand is being forced some what to that end. By doing so, lives are saved and the healthcare system is hopefully able to stay functional.
I’ve tried to highlight a few articles this week that cover the pandemic with thoughtful detail – with data and reasoned response. Knowing that schools are highly likely to be closed for an extended period (Michigan already closed through April 5) – there are a few articles about parenting through such a period.
Stay safe and wash your hands!
Food for Thought
- Medium – Why You Must Act Now – The single best gathering of statistical information I have seen to date.
- NYT – How Much Worse the Coronavirus Could Get, in Charts – An interactive way to play with various types of responses
- Nielsen –Coronavirus has CPG shoppers changing their ways – How are consumers behaving so far?
- QZ – How to politely decline a handshake – I’ve been calling it the “Corona-bump”
- The American Conservative – Life During Coronavirus Wartime – Italy is making some really tough choices when it comes to triage.
- For Parents:
- Coronavirus closing your kid’s school? One parent’s plan for Daddy School
- School’s Out for How Long?!? How to Survive With Your Child During Coronavirus
- Coronavirus anxiety — here’s how to talk to your kids about the outbreak