This week’s highlights: Why the Rich Work, Beanie Babies, and Sleep Deprivation
Issue 350
by David Wells – Nashville TN
I hope you have been out enjoying fall break wherever you may be. Fall has officially arrived here in Nashville with the 90 plus temperatures finally leaving.
Original Content:
- But What Is a Family Office? At their core, family offices are about delivering service to families. Implicit in this understanding is that the family of wealth is willing to invest in the development of a new firm to deliver these services because they are unable to readily procure those services from the open market or do so at a reasonable cost.
Food for Thought:
Why It Matters: “Are the wealthy addicted to money, competition, or just feeling important? Yes.”
Consider as well:
- BusinessWeek – Irish Butter Kerrygold Has Conquered America’s Kitchens
- NewYorker – Is Amazon Unstoppable? Politicians want to rein in the retail giant. But Jeff Bezos, the master of cutthroat capitalism, is ready to fight back.
- TheAtlantic – The Millennial Urban Lifestyle Is About to Get More Expensive As WeWork crashes and Uber bleeds cash, the consumer-tech gold rush may be coming to an end.
- Freakonomics – America’s Math Curriculum Doesn’t Add Up. Kids today need more than the ‘geometry sandwich.’
Top Read of the Week: FT – Looking back at the Beanie Baby bubble
Why It Matters: The insanity of Beanie Babies was not that long ago.
Consider as well:
- Forbes – Who Needs Moonshots? How Former Hollywood Mogul Barry Diller Built A $4.2 Billion Tech Fortune Out Of Underdog Assets
- Fortune – How Starbucks Got Its Buzz Back The world’s largest coffee chain super-charged sales, survived a PR nightmare, and navigated the loss of its iconic founder. The secret weapon powering Starbucks’ renaissance? Retail hotshot Roz Brewer.
- CFAI – The Active Manager Paradox: High-Conviction Overweight Positions
- MN – Microsoft Puzzling Announcements Microsoft has been on a roll and is back at the top of the tech industry by doing exactly what Satya Nadella said he’d do when he took the reins from Steve Ballmer. But now, Microsoft is engaging in a number of risky processor (ARM) and partner (Android) transitions. Why?
Top Read of the Week: ESPN – NBA exec: ‘It’s the dirty little secret that everybody knows about’
Why It Matters: A majority of NBA players are chronically sleep deprived with serious repercussions.
Consider as well:
- Jalopnik – How A 409,000-Mile BMW M5 Compares To A Garage Queen M5 On The Dyno
- NYT – Fly Fishing Is the New Bird-Watching It’s the latest “old timey” hobby to gain a dedicated new following.
- NYMag – How the Dutch Invented Elite Flyer Status Competition
- NYT – Tinker, Tailor, Writer, Spy John le Carré takes aim at Brexit and Boris Johnson in his new novel, “Agent Running in the Field.”