David’s Articles

David has been writing and publishing since 2006.  

FCS Reading List – Our 2018 Favorites

Nov 14, 2018 | Book Recommendations

Well, I didn’t plan to read as much in 2018 as I did. Nevertheless, I finished 47 books this year – just shy of a personal record. Generally, I don’t enjoy reading that many books, as it becomes difficult to keep them all straight / remember salient details.  But, I kept finding good ones to read, so what are you going to do?

One thing that has helped that process is being willing to stop a book once I’ve begun. For years, I was of the view that once I started something the only path was to finish it. This year alone, there were probably 20 others I began, but put down 50-100 pages in. In certain areas where I have deep expertise, many books prove to be repetitive or offer very little in the way of new ideas.

So without further ado – here is the full list of books I read this year.  I’ve also highlighted my favorites.

Economics & Sociology

Self Evaluation/Life Planning




Business Strategy




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