This week’s highlights: Beauty, LeBron, and Wolves

Happy Friday
Crazy busy week of travel here – so FoF is a bit abbreviated. Have a great weekend!
Topic of the Week
- Trinity Forum – Can Beauty Save the World? In a world preoccupied with political battles, culture wars, commercial competition, and status seeking, why should we care about beauty? What does it mean to pursue the good, true, and beautiful — and what difference would it make in real, everyday life? Poet Dana Gioia and visual artist Makoto Fujimura are uniquely equipped to consider these questions.
- NYT- My Transplanted Heart and I Will Die Soon
- The Free Press – ‘My Friend’s Descent into Madness and Bloodshed’: An American Tragedy. Jonathan Rosen has spent the last few years trying to understand the story of his closest childhood friend, Michael Laudor.
- NYP – Employers reveal why Gen Z is the hardest generation to work with
- TheAtlantic – The Myth of the Broke Millennial. After a rough start, the generation is thriving. Why doesn’t it feel that way?
Other Great Reads
- Forbes – How Tony Hsieh’s Friends And Family Milked Millions In His Drug-Fueled Final Months – pretty sure this is the new textbook definition of enabling behavior
- Esquire – The Incredible Story of How Nike Signed LeBron James
- Bloomberg – Cornering Classic Cars. In two years, McKeel Hagerty has transformed his modest family business for vintage vehicles into a conglomerate with unprecedented control of the entire industry.
- NYT – The Kylix Marvel: Why Experts Distrust the Story of an Ancient Cup’s Rebirth – Credit RM
- DieWorkwear – Living Legend: An Interview with Yukio Akamine. “I was also pleased to see a multi-part series on Yukio Akamine, whom I regard as the most stylish man alive. Akamine has a long history in the Japanese menswear scene.”
- WSJ – Watching Wolves at Yellowstone Is a Great Hobby, if You Don’t Mind the Cold. ‘It Changed Our Lives.’
My Book:
When Anything is Possible – Wealth and the Art of Strategic Living
- Does how you handle your wealth actually align with what you care most about in the world?
- Do you feel like you are pro-active and intentional with your financial affairs or entirely reactive to a busy world?
Growing financial wealth is a natural occurrence on the path to success. While this should make life easier, that is not always the case. With greater wealth, comes great opportunity and an overwhelming number of choices to make.
When Anything is Possible is the guidebook about how to engage strategically with wealth. It will help you change your wealth from something overwhelming and all-consuming towards a resource to be deployed to help you positively impact the things that you value most.
If you are interested in learning more, visit here and download a free chapter.