David’s Articles

David has been writing and publishing since 2006.  

Patience as a “form of relation to the world”

Dec 26, 2024 | Reflections

What can we learn from the foremost house of luxury?

black sedan moving towards across Hermes building
Photo by nic chi on Unsplash

This is a good one to highlight coming into year end. 60 Minutes just completed a profile on Hermes and specifically on its famed Birkin bag. 

You can view the segment here on YouTube.

In his interview, artistic director (and family member/owner) Pierre-Alexis Dumas shared a few profound comments that are counter-cultural and worth pondering in the quiet of the next couple of weeks.

  • “Hermes is very costly, not expensive. Cost is the actual price of making an object properly with required level of attention so you have a level of quality. Expensive is a product which is not delivering what it is supposed to deliver, but you have paid quite a large amount of money for it and it betrays you.”
  • Discussing the Birkin bag and how to acquire…”you have to walk into an Hermes store and you have to be patient…”
  • For those who want a bag and want a bag now? “Yes, I have children too and I have desires too.”
  • On growth… “How can you grow so fast without changing what makes you strong? By training people…for a life’s profession”
  • “We are about craft, we are not machines. We are not compromising on the quality of the way we make the bags…”
  • “Speed is the structuring value of the 20th century. We went from horse carriages to the Internet. Are we going to be so obsessed with speed and immediate satisfaction? Maybe there is another form of relation to the world that is linked to patience to taking the time to make things right.”

If you are interested in learning more about the company, the Acquired podcast episode is also fantastic.


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